At the end of 2018 comes the journal continues to grow. I am happy to report that we have already had 105 published papers in 2018, surpassing the number published in 2017. This volume of work has required significant assistance from editors and reviewers, and I would like to thank those who have served, including Steven Williams, who has just completed his two year term of service. Recently, we have added five new members to our editorial board including Yannis Dionyssiotis from the European Interbalkan Medical Center, Ian David Kaye from the Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia, Inge Eriks-Hoogland from the Swiss Paraplegia Research/Center, and U Singh from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Additionally, Michael Stillman, also from Sydney Kimmel Medical College has joined us as an Associate Editor.

I am pleased to tell you about some new features that the journal has. If you go to the main menu and go to the collections tab you can look at our papers from the collections view. These collections allow you to delve into topic areas of your particular interest and view up to date readings. We are adding a special focus on India to the journal and will have a special collection available and will also have special regional collections related to other countries and geographic areas soon.

One of the topics of interest we have for the journal is the issue of dealing with our changing times. Please see the case report of Nally et al. regarding the urinary microbiome [1] for an example of a new topic being discussed in journal and that of Yarar-Fisher [2] regarding a clinical pilot study of a ketogenic diet. I would like to see your submissions relating to current topics of interest—new research as demonstrated by these two papers but also on current real-life situations, such as the effects of disasters and climate on persons with SCIs.

Thanks for reading and please reach out and get involved. I am happy to hear your interest in being actively involved with the journal as an author, reviewer, or as a member of our editorial board. Remember, this is your journal and we need your ideas and participation to make it flourish.

Marcalee Alexander