Figure legend—left to right and top to bottom

1. Managing Editor Lauren Overbey’s rescue pit bulls Lucy and Stevie dressed up for their picture!

2. Carmen Gianfrani’s cat Darcy lounging by the backdoor.

3. Carmen Gianfrani’s cat Dalma on her cat stand.

4. Irina Bihimschi’s dog, Toby cuddling with his Mama.

5. Section Editor Mark Klebanoff’s bird looking like his owner!

6. Mohan Pammi’s dog Diya preparing for a swim!

7. Editor in Chief Eleanor Molloy’s dogs: Maya and Ellie playing on an Irish beach.

8. Andy Fine’s dog, Wilson, another example of how dogs resemble their owners!

9. Deanne Wilson-Costello’s iguana, good for catching bugs around the house.

10. Sagori Mukhopadhyay’s cat Yuri, expressing her boredom with this collage.

11. Michael Jeng’s dogs rescued during the pandemic, Cam and Phoebe being backseat drivers.

12. Rose Gubitosi’s dogs, Sant’s little helpers.

13. Guilherme Sant’Anna’s family that includes their dog.

14. Andy Fine’s dog Wilson again, who just like a pediatrician, sports a bowtie!

15. Editor in Chief Cynthia Bearer’s leopard gecko, who is now 23 years old!

16. Steven Miller’s dog Coco making a clean catch!