Correction to: Oncogene, published online 27 July 2015

Following the publication of this article, errors were noted in Fig. 1d (JIMT-1 cells) and in Fig. 3d.

In Fig. 1d there was an error in the loading control for the JIMT-1 cells, where the beta actin loading control of Fig. 3g was mistakenly inserted. The correct loading control in Fig.1d for the JIMT-1 cells is the protein beta tubulin. The authors have provided the raw data of the correct beta tubulin control corresponding to the results presented in Fig. 1d, which show that silencing Stat3 in JIMT-1 cells resulted in the downregulation of ErbB-2 protein levels. The authors also provided raw data of two replicates of this experiment validating the results shown in Fig. 1d for JIMT-1 cells. The mistake in the loading control for JIMT-1 cells does not compromise the findings shown in this work. The correct version of Fig. 1d is provided below.

In Fig. 3d the image of VECTOR 0h post-wound (left panel) is incorrect. The authors mistakenly presented an image corresponding to DN3 0h post-wound. The authors have provided the original image (raw data) of VECTOR 0h post-wound. The image of DN3 0h post-wound (right panel) is also incorrect. The authors mistakenly placed an image corresponding to VECTOR 0h post-wound. The authors have provided the original image (raw data) of DN3 0h post-wound.

As a result of the above errors, the corresponding images at 12 h after wound of DN3 and VECTOR are also incorrect and have been replaced.

The correct version of Fig. 3d is provided below.

The authors also emphasize that in the breast cancer models studied in this article, Stat3 regulation of metastasis was demonstrated by five different experimental strategies: spontaneous lung metastases. experimental metastasis assay, wound assay, invasion assay, activity and levels of proteases.

The authors confirm the corrections do not affect the results or conclusions of this work, and wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused by these inadvertent errors.