Correction to: Oncogene, published online 01 September 2008

Following the publication of this article, the authors were informed about errors in Fig. 1a, lower left panel of Fig. 1d, lower right panel of Fig. 1d, and right panel of Fig. 3c. A description of the errors and the corrected figures are supplied below.

  1. 1.

    The published version of the lower left panel of Fig. 1d does not match the original figure panel the author sent to Oncogene. The published figure panel has a strange image duplication/distortion likely generated during or after the production of page proofs. The original lower left panel of Fig. 1d is provided in this correction.

  2. 2.

    The input IB: Myc image of the lower right panel of Fig. 1d was found to be an inadvertent duplication of the input IB: Myc image of the lower left panel of Fig. 1d (lanes 5 and 6). The correct input IB: Myc image, identified from the full blot film exposure, was used to generate the below figure correction.

  3. 3.

    Enhancement of the β-actin image of the right panel of Fig. 3c gave a false impression that the last band was inappropriately spliced in. The original figure generated for publication and whole film exposure confirmed that the last band was not spliced in. The replaced figure has the original non-enhanced β-actin image.

  4. 4.

    The first two lanes of the left panel of Fig. 3b were inadvertently reused for the same purpose as in Fig. 1a. The authors replaced Fig. 1a with another figure from a replicate experiment done before the submission of this manuscript to Oncogene.

Original whole blot film exposures of the corrected images were meticulously reviewed by Oncogene’s research integrity team. The corrected figures do not change the conclusions of this study. The authors profusely regret not catching, reporting, and correcting these innocent image errors earlier.