Short Bio: Fanglin Bao was born in Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from Zhejiang University in 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and in 2016 with a PhD in Optics. He visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012, as an exchange scholar. He moved to Purdue University in 2019, as a postdoctoral scholar. He then became a research scientist at Purdue in 2021. He joined Westlake University in Jan. 2024 as an assistant professor. He proposed and demonstrated Heat-Assisted Detection and Ranging (HADAR), where he explained and overcame the ghosting effect in traditional thermal imaging. HADAR was highlighted as a Nature cover article1 and was reported by “Nature News & Views”, Science “News”, Nature Photonics “News & Views”.

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Light special correspondent

Shirley Ji Wang,English Language Support Coordinator at School of Science, Westlake University.