Correction to: Leukemia

We have noticed a minor error in “Fig. 3” of the online document, which was introduced during corrections of the proofs when we were asked to add in a description of each panel for the figure.

Everything is correct except in the description/legend at the bottom. To match the label above each panel, the description should have the word “NOT” added into sections b and d. The legend should read: Fig. 3: Kaplan–Meier Curves for Overall Survival by Entry Criteria and IPSS. a Depicts overall survival for all patients by eligibility criteria (adverse MDS risk versus standard risk with severe cytopenia) and b for only those NOT undergoing HCT. c Depicts overall survival for all patients by IPSS risk (low or intermediate-1 versus intermediate-2 or high-risk disease) and d for only those NOT undergoing HCT. Log-rank testing was used for group comparison.

The original article has been corrected.