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Acute myeloid leukemia

Systemic mastocytosis with acute myeloid leukemia occurs from mutually exclusive clones expressing KITD816V and FLT3-ITD

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Fig. 1: Systemic mastocytosis with acute myeloid leukemia.


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The study was supported in part by the grants from Leukemia and Lymphoma Research Society of Canada (LLSC), and Cancer Research Society (CRS).

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CJM, EK, RN, DZ carried out experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, MD provided clinical sample and helpful discussions. CJM, EK, and HC wrote the manuscript. HC conceived and designed the study, analyzed the data and supervised the project.

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Correspondence to Hong Chang.

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Capo-Chichi, JM., Kagotho, E., Nayyar, R. et al. Systemic mastocytosis with acute myeloid leukemia occurs from mutually exclusive clones expressing KITD816V and FLT3-ITD. Leukemia 35, 282–285 (2021).

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