Introduction: Reservation of pedipacks (50 ml filtered red cell concentrate with additive solution SAGM) out of 1 donor can reduce donorexposition. This prospective efficacy study analyses the benefits, release and expiry of these pedipacks (PP) in high risk newborns (HRN).

Methods: 45 HRN, 28.5 wks ±2.5; 1095g ±400g, were selected for a serie PP out of 1 donor. Inclusioncriteria: estimated time of admission > 21 days, and increased need for transfusion due to cardiorespiratory instability or frequent bloodsamples. Control group: 54 low risk prematures (LRN), 30.4wks ± 1.5; 1315 g ± 330, no inclusioncriteria. To prevent expiry after 35 days, the PP (3-4/serie) were released for general use after 21 days.

Results: Out of 50 series (195 PP) for 45 HRN 3 series were given to 2/45 HRN, 2 series to 1/45 and 1 serie to 42/45 HRN. Mean transfusion rate was 3.1 PP in the HRN, and 0.4 in the LRN. In the LRN 35/54 were not transfused, 19/54 received 1-2 PP. In both groups transfused newborns were exposed to 1.1 donor in average. From 50 series PP 140/195 (72%) were used<21 days, another 25/195 (13%) < 35 days. 30/195 (15%) expired, mainly because of logistic problems in the introductionfase.

Conclusion: In terms of efficacy reservation of PP from one donor for HRN results in a considerable reduction of donorexposition, is possible on clinical parameters and can be optimized by simple administrative measures.