Background: The incidence of ARD was prospectively studied in Italian neonates from 1st February to 30th April 1995.

Subjects: A population of 17290 neonates, which was representative of the various national counties, was investigated for ARD.

Measurements: The distributions of birthes related to sex, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score, mode of delivery, naternal age and obstetric pathology were investigated. The specific incidence and mortality rales of the various pathologies were and related to neonatal and maternal risk factors.

Results: The incidence of ARD in neonates was 2.94%; mortality rate was 0.43%. The more frequent disorders were RDS (1.24%) and transient tachypnea(1.18%) with a case fatality rate of 26.3% and 2% respectively. The incidence of complications of RDS resulted as follows: BPD 9.8% NEC 3.3%, IVH 10.8%, AIR LEAK 8.9%, PDA 14.5%.

Conclusions: This database should be useful to define better management strategies to approach the high-risk infants.