Correction to: O ncogene advance online publication 15 June 2015; doi:10.1038/onc.2015.215

Since the publication of the above article the authors have identified a number of errors in Supplemental Table S1: Chemical properties of inS3-54 and its analogues. The corrections made are listed below:

The formula for A3 has been amended to C28H18Cl2N2O4 from C28H18ClN2O4.

The structure of A30 R1 has been amended.

The structure of A55 R2 has been amended.

The formula for A58 has been amended to C24H17Cl2NO2 from C24H17ClN2O2.

The structure of A63 R1 has been amended.

The amended table is available online.

The authors wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused.