Researchers have redesigned a reaction technique to make beta-amino carbonyl compounds which have useful applications in pharmaceutical industries1. Using recyclable copper nanoparticles, the researchers mixed three types of organic compounds in a pot to make the carbonyl compounds. This method will open up a new avenue to scale up the production of the carbonyl compounds.

By modifying Mannich reaction employed in the organic synthesis of natural compounds, they mixed three types of organic compounds — ketones, aromatic aldehydes and amines — in a pot in the presence of methanol and heterogeneous copper nanoparticles as catalyst. This reaction yielded sufficient beta-amino carbonyl compounds with little catalyst loading.

The research is significant since Mannich reaction is used to synthetically produce peptides, nucleotides, antibiotics and alkaloids. This reaction is also employed in the synthesis of agro chemicals such as plant growth regulators and medicinal compounds used as anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory drugs.