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“Spontaneous” Release of Type C Viruses from Clonal Lines of “Spontaneously” Transformed Balb/3T3 Cells


I wish to report that clonal lines of spontaneously transformed Balb/c 3T3 cells can spontaneously release high titres of type C virus in conditions where the untransformed cells do not release type C virus. Further, the spontaneously transformed clones of random-bred Swiss cells, such as 3T6 and 3T12, and an SV40 transformed 3T3 clone have inducible type C viruses, while in the same conditions complete virus production is not detected in the untransformed 3T3 cells. The results suggest that the control of endogenous type C virus information is altered in transformed cells.

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TODARO, G. “Spontaneous” Release of Type C Viruses from Clonal Lines of “Spontaneously” Transformed Balb/3T3 Cells. Nature New Biology 240, 157–160 (1972).

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