Adapting to a Changing Environment: Confronting the Consequences of Climate Change

  • Tim R. McClanahan &
  • Joshua Cinner
OXFORD UNIV. PRESS: 2011. 208 pp. £40.00

In this book, which focuses on coral reef fisheries in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean, coastal ecologist Tim McClanahan and social geographer Joshua Cinner provide an interdisciplinary account of how climate change will impact the ecology and economy of people dependent on natural resources. They present a conceptual framework and associated toolbox of options to provide governments, scientists and managers with the local contextual information needed to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

What Will Work: Fighting Climate Change with Renewable Energy, Not Nuclear Power

  • Kristin Shrader-Frechette
OXFORD UNIV. PRESS: 2012. 368 pp. £27.50

In What Will Work, environmental ethicist Kristin Shrader-Frechette builds a case against nuclear fission as a solution to the climate-mitigation problem, arguing that nuclear is not, in practice, low in greenhouse-gas emissions or financially responsible, and that its risks fall mainly on the poor and vulnerable. She further argues that energy efficiency and renewable solutions can meet all of these requirements — and in particular, affordability, safety and equitability.