Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand

  • Haydn Washington &
  • John Cook
Earthscan: 2011. 224 pp. £14.99

Denial is part of the human condition. When people are afraid or confused, or when their self-image is challenged, they turn to denial. In this book ecologist Haydn Washington and founder of the Skeptical Science blog John Cook explain the social science behind denial and provide a detailed examination of common climate change-denial arguments, from attacks on scientific integrity to impossible expectations of proof. The authors show how we can overcome denial to make real progress in solving the climate problem.

Capturing Carbon: The New Weapon in the War Against Climate Change

  • Robin M. Mills
Columbia Univ. Press: 2011. 288 pp. £15.99

The ability to capture carbon and store it underground has been heralded by some as the nearest thing to a 'silver bullet' solution to climate change. Though technologically feasible, how close are we to really embracing carbon capture and storage? In this book industry geologist and economist Robin Mills provides an accessible evaluation of the technology, weighs up the costs and benefits, and tackles the politics and policies needed to get carbon capture and storage off the ground. Mills also looks at the public's anticipated reaction to this technology and the opportunities for industry.