Blackwell Supplies Dentomycin Periodontal Gel acts as a first line of defence in the treatment of moderate to severe chronic adult periodontal disease.

The active ingredient of Dentomycin, Minocycline, binds to the surfaces of the tooth and is gradually released over time to provide a simple adjunctive treatment for periodontitis. To be applied every 14 days over a total of three to four applications, Dentomycin significantly reduces key periodontal pathogens, slows down the periodontal destruction process, actively helps the healing process, is well tolerated and does not interact with alcohol.

Application of Dentomycin will eliminate those difficulties that arise when using conventional mechanical treatment in those deeper, irregular pockets and molar furcations of the tooth which harbour residual plaque and calculus. A clinically proven, highly effective method of the treatment of adult periodontitis, Dentomycin leaves no unpleasant taste in the patient's mouth!

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