
Sabbah W, Tsakos G et al. J Dent Res 2007; 86: 992–996

Oral health is a part of general health and may have similar determinants. This study examined data from the large US health survey NHANES III to compare social gradients indicated by periodontal disease and perceived oral health with those indicated by ischaemic heart disease and perceived general health. Special data models were prepared for analysis, and odds ratios were adjusted for confounders including age, dental insurance, diabetes and smoking.

There was a similar gradient for all 4 health topics examined, in relation to possible social determinants. For instance, adjusted ORs for relationship of 3 descending levels of Poverty-Income Ratio with general health were: 1.6, 2.3 and 3.7; respective ORs with oral health were 1.4, 2.0 and 2.3. Similar gradients were found for years of education. The authors point out that because the gradients still existed after adjustment for confounders, there were likely to be other unknown factors affecting them.