
Ferrari M, Cagidiaco MC et al. J Dent Res 2007; 86: 729–734

This was a prospective study of 240 teeth in 210 subjects to examine the effects of remaining coronal dentine and fibre post placement on survival of root-treated premolars at 2 yrs. Teeth were allocated to 6 groups according to the degree of remaining coronal dentine, and in each group of 40, half the teeth received a fibre post to help retain the restoration.

All subjects were followed up to 2 yrs, when teeth with posts had a failure rate of 7.5%, and those without, 30% (P < 0.001). In the 2 groups with least dentine, respective failure rates were 20% with posts and 55% without. In the 6 post sub-groups, there were 2 failures of endodontic treatment, compared with 6 failures and 9 root fractures in the 6 sub-groups without posts.