
Hanioka T, Ojima M et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 310–317

There is little evidence on whether dental professional advice may help patients to quit smoking. The present investigators recruited 45 dentists in a Japanese preventive dentistry association, 35 of whom completed it. Smoking patients were assigned consecutively to an intervention group (IG) who received an explanation of the relevance of smoking to dental diseases with subsequent reinforcement, and a non-intervention group (NG). About 63% of patients completed the study: 248 IG and 249 NG.

About ¾ of patients reported unwillingness to quit within 6 months (precontemplation stage), 16% wished to quit after 1 month but before 6 months (contemplation stage), and over 7% wanted to quit within 1 month (preparation). In the IG, 12% reported an attempt to quit, as opposed to 5% in the NG.