Final year BDS student Arthif Danial has been awarded the Frank Ashley Undergraduate Prize for the project Periodontal disease and diabetes: a dental elective study based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The BSP Frank Ashley Undergraduate Award is named in memory of Professor Frank Ashley, a former President of the Society, and aims to encourage dental undergraduates to carry out projects related to periodontology, including electives. Mr Danial will be given a cheque for £500 to fund his elective trip.

He said, 'I was very much inspired by having done some research work in my intercalated BSc year and especially after having discussed the prospects of my elective period with my mentor Dr Mark Ide. This opportunity has now allowed me to view dentistry from another dimension.'

Applications are invited from students at UK dental schools and from graduates who have qualified within the previous twelve months. Joint entries are not acceptable for this award.