The EJHG publishes short announcements (free of charge for ESHG members) regarding meetings in Europe, positions available and other announcements of interest to the Human Genetics community in Europe

Institute of Medical Genetics University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK

Tuesday 24th–Friday 27th February 1998

This 4-day intensive course will follow the pattern established in the recent annual courses and is aimed at trainees in clinical and laboratory genetics, to those already working in the field who require a general update, and to clinicians in other fields who wish to learn more about genetic advances.

Topics for special emphasis in the 1998 course include:

  • Genetics and heart disease

  • Screening for genetic disorders

  • Genetics and mental handicap

  • Ethical and social aspects of genetic developments

  • Computer databases in medical genetics

The cost of the course will be £495.00 which will be approved under the Continuing Medical Education scheme by the Royal Colleges.

Accommodation: Poste House Hotel, Cardiff City Centre All enquiries and applications should be made to:

Mr. Ian Doyle, Departmental Secretary

Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Medical Genetics

Heath Park, Cardiff CF4 4XN (UK)

Tel. (01222) 744040, fax (01222) 747603, e-mail

Sponsored by: Promega UK

IMGT News — August 1997: Alleles and Mutations

IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database, announces a STANDARDIZED description of allele polymorphisms and mutations for all immunoglobulin and T cell receptor V-REGIONs of all species, based on the IMGT unique numbering (IMGT NEWS — March 1997). Allele alignments and tables for the human IGH, IGK and IGL V-REGIONs are freely available at IMGT

IMGT initiator and coordinator:

Prof. Marie-Paule Lefranc

Laboratoire d’Immuno-Génétique Moléculaire, LIGM

UMR 5535 (CNRS — Université Montpellier II)

1919, route de Mende, F-34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France)

Tel. +33 (0)4 67 61 36 34, fax +33 (0)4 67 04 02 31


IMGT reference: Giudicelli et al., Nucleic Acids Res 1997;25: 206–211.


The database GENATLAS is now open on the web, through the server INFOBIOGEN, at the following address:

The GENATLAS database compiles information from the literature relevant to the mapping of genes, diseases and markers. Further information is provided on the category to which the objects belong, i.e. growth factor, structure, polymorphism, function, spatiotemporal or differential (imprinting) expression.

These features contribute to the specificity of GENATLAS as well as the strong emphasis put on clinical disorders. They are classified by organ, tissue or affected system (i.e. eye diseases) and according to their category. Besides the mendelian diseases, chromosomal rearrangements and breakpoints associated with developmental abnormalities or malignancies are compiled in GENATLAS.

The information relative to genes, diseases and objects is accompanied by pertinent citations, as well as by linkage data, maps, and information on comparative mapping edited by John H. Edwards. GENATLAS is interactively linked to the Location Database of Newton E. Morton. GENATLAS is also linked to OMIM, Medline and the nucleotide sequence databases.

Interested persons are kindly requested to refer to the presentation on GENATLAS, on the web, to become better acquainted with GENATLAS (see About) and to address their advice, comments, criticism, to Prof. Jean Frezal, editor.

Prof. Jean Frezal

Service de Génétique Médicale

Hôpital des Enfants-Malades

149, rue de Sèvres, F-75743 Paris Cedex 15 (France)

Tel. 01 44 49 51 54, fax 01 40 56 34 97, e-mail

NB: GENATLAS is also incorporated into a CD-ROM with PC and Macintosh versions.

‘GID, Genome Interactive Databases’

GID links the GENATLAS and comparative directories to the CEPH (index, lod, YACs) databases, to the GENETHON microsatellite database and to the Location Data Base (LDB).

Publisher: John Libbey Eurotext

127, avenue de la République

F-92120 Montrouge (France)

Tel. 00 (0)1 46 73 06 60, fax 00 (0)1 40 84 09 99

The next issue of GID will be available in September.