The chair and vice chair of the Central Committee for Community and Public Health Dentistry (CCCPHD), Janet Clarke and Christine Arnold, together with the BDA's Sara Osborne and Sue Martin met with Health Minister Rosie Winterton earlier this month. The meeting was requested by the Minister to discuss the long awaited Salaried Review, implementation of a new single spine pay scale and new negotiating arrangements with NHS Employers. The CCCPHD Executive Sub-committee then met on 6 December to discus the various issues revolving around NHS Primary Dental Services from April 2006, focussing particularly on a strategy for salaried services, in the midst of a lack of direction from the Department of Health. The committee debated the issues influencing the options for service provision, be it Community Dental Service, Personal Dental Service or Primary Care Trust Dental Service, and considered options for effective provision of BDA guidance on these options.