Integrated dental treatment planning: A case-based approach

  • E.J. Kay,
  • A.C. Shearer,
  • A.M. Bridgman &
  • G.M. Humphris
UK: Oxford University Press price £24.95, pp 159 ISBN 0198528892 | ISBN: 0-198-52889-2

This remarkable book — which has the shortest contents page I have ever seen — is not about dentistry but about people.

In contrast to traditional textbooks this book plots the dental history of six people over a period of some years. Each case is very different, but all incorporate material that is seen in everyday clinical practice.

The book challenges you to consider clinical, psychological, social, legal and ethical issues while reading each of the six case studies. The authors want us to think about these issues in the context of planning and providing dental treatment and they have certainly succeeded in my opinion. The book is interactive, well-structured and incredibly easy to read. Readers will particularly like how each story is drip fed to them, giving them opportunity to reflect and consider before more of the story is revealed.

Conceptually, treatment planning is difficult to grasp and all too frequently practitioners focus on dental factors to the exclusion of other equally important factors, for example the psychological, social, or legal aspects as they relate to the patient's overall management. This book takes you beyond the normal limits of traditional dental textbooks and will no doubt cause every reader to stop, think and either agree or disagree with the thoughts of the authors, or better still stimulate further debate and discussion of the various issues raised.

This book particularly encourages a holistic and integrated approach and asks practitioners to 'think outside the box'. The style of this book and the authors' approach is refreshing and will appeal to a wide readership. The book is suited to final year dental students and practitioners alike and is to be strongly recommended.