The National AIDS Trust (NAT) has produced a new resource pack, HIV in Healthcare, aimed at helping healthcare professionals treat people living with HIV fairly and equally. NAT called for the NHS to adopt proactive policies to prevent discrimination against people living with HIV earlier this month.

Aimed at those who do not directly work in sexual health, including GP practices and dentists, it has been endorsed by the RCN, RCGP and BDA. The resource pack raises awareness of discriminatory practices and provides advice and practical tools to help healthcare workers address and avoid stigmatising behaviour towards people living with HIV, or associated with HIV through a partner or family member.

Its recommendations include providing training for healthcare staff on HIV issues including best practice for avoiding occupational HIV transmission, adopting guidelines for fair and equal treatment of HIV positive patients, displaying anti-discrimination posters in staff areas and waiting rooms

For more information or to order a copy call the National AIDS Trust on 0207 814 6767.