The GDC has extended the deadline for payment of the ARF by dentists to 31 January 2005. Fee reminder letters were sent to all registered dentists on 10 December.

The Council claims that it planned to send these out earlier but securing Department of Health's agreement to the dentists' ARF increase has taken longer than expected, and consequently, the GDC has extended the deadline for payment by dentists to 31 January 2005.

The ARF for dental hygienists and dental therapists has not increased this year. The GDC wrote to all registered dental hygienists and dental therapists on 23 November to request payment by the 31 December deadline.

It added that non-payment would mean erasure from the Dentists Register or Rolls of Dental Auxiliaries and could also mean criminal prosecution for anyone who continues to practise after being erased.

To get back on the Register or Rolls after erasure for non-payment, an additional restoration fee has to be paid as well as the original annual retention fee. The GDC has increased the ARF for dentists by £8 (2%) and it claims that this increase, although below the rate of inflation, will help the GDC deal with any unpredicted increases in expenditure, and reduce any future increase.

More information about the ARF collection, including payment methods, can be found on the GDC website at