
Atan S, Ashley P et al. Int J Paediatr Dent 2004; 14: 9–16

This study involved 121 children (half were male) aged 6-16 yrs (mean 11 yrs) and seen over an 11 month period at a London hospital. Subjects were interviewed before and after treatment regarding anxiety, pain and other aspects of morbidity.

Under GA, mean numbers of procedures per patient were: restorations, 0.3; deciduous extractions, 2.6; permanent extractions, 1.2; other surgical procedures, 0.8. Prior to treatment 83% had experienced no pain. Postoperative pain at the operating site was significantly reduced when LA had been given, and significantly raised after surgical procedures.

LA during the procedure also increased dizziness. Sleepiness and nausea were increased with longer GA times, and females were more affected and also more likely to feel dizzy. The authors recommend improved attention to pain control to reduce the main cause of postoperative morbidity after GA for paediatric dental treatment.