The GDC expects to answer over 5,000 telephone enquiries about the Annual Retention Fee for 2004 and process 6,000 changes to register details during the beginning of this year. The team will process over 35,000 payments (generating over £12 million income). The fee must be paid on or before 9 February 2004.

According to the GDC, the new registration and restoration application forms which came into use on 1 January 2004 introduce an improved and standardised approach to registration, and a more robust system of medical checks and character testimonies. Work is continuing on improving the content of the registration pages on the GDC website. It is hoped that a more extensive and informative section will be added to the website early in the new year.

From January 2004 onwards, applicants for restoration to the register will be required to show evidence of CPD compliance in order to restore to the register. A consolidated set of CPD rules which show the requirements which dentists and the registrar must meet under the CPD scheme came into effect on 1 January 2004. A further set of rules, governing the procedure for the CPD Committee also came into effect on 1 January 2004. Both sets of rules are on the GDC website.

The Council has been continuing its work to develop a system for revalidating members of the dental team and a Revalidation Consultation Forum has been established. Revalidation will require all registrants to demonstrate on a periodic basis that they remain fit for continued registration.