Minerva Dental Ltd claims that the Vector System from Durr removes biofilm, plaque, calculus, endotoxins and eliminates causal bacteria quickly and effectively.

The product enables clinicians to treat pockets up to 11 mm deep and polish the surfaces of teeth, restorations and implants. Vector has been designed to ensure that the instrument oscillates exactly linearly, parallel to the surface of the tooth, without circling, swaying or knocking. Using appropriate interchangeable tips, Vector can be used for general prophylaxis as well as treating periodontal pockets, furcation areas and peri-implantitis. Alternatively by combining Vector Fluid Abrasive, containing 50 μm silicon carbide particles in a water suspension, and appropriate tips selective micro-invasive preparations can be created.

The product has been designed to ensure that the instrument oscillates exactly linearly, parallel to the surface of the tooth, without circling, swaying or knocking. The handpiece can be autoclaved up to 134°C while the compact base unit stores the various fluids which can be selected and administered either at the touch of a button or using the multi-functional footswitch. The instrument's energy is being gently transferred via an adhering coat of water which is continuously swirled around the instrument, without creating a spray. This enables the operator to effectively clean pockets, but without the risk of iatrogenic trauma.

Reader response number 58