
Leonhardt Å, Dahlén G et al. J Periodontol 2003; 74: 1415–1422

There are various strategies for management of peri-implantitis. The present study used microbiological diagnosis for 9 partially dentate patients (5 smokers) aged 60–77 yrs with one or more peri-implantitis lesions.

Implants were surgically exposed and cleaned with 10% H2O2 and granulation tissue was removed. Where black pigmented bacteria were identified, metronidazole was prescribed; other organisms were treated with systemic antimicrobials according to susceptibility tests. Pathogens were identified in 19 sites.

In 5 yrs' follow-up, 6 implants were lost in 3 smokers and 1 in a nonsmoker; there were various small gains and losses of bone around threads. By the final examination, 10 sites had pathogenic organisms present.