
Heliövaara A, Haapanen M-L et al. Acta Odont Scand 2003; 61: 159–163

In 48 consecutive patients who had received pharyngeal flap surgery for isolated cleft palate, a comparison was made some 10–20 years later between 12 who had received velopharyngeal flaps (VPF+ group) and the remainder who had not (VPF−). Subsequent orthodontic treatment was given to 90% of patients, but none had orthognathic surgery.

Standardized cephalograms showed that VPF+ patients had significantly greater mean nasopharyngeal airway dimensions at the upper level of the nasopharynx (24.8 mm v. 21.7 mm for VPF−), and significantly lower mean oropharyngeal dimensions at the lower level of the oropharynx (VPF+: 11.6; VPF−: 14.9). Surgery in the VPF+ group produced velopharyngeal competence in 7 subjects. No long-term symptoms of sleep apnoea or snoring were found in any patients. There were no significant differences in craniofacial dimensions.