
Wang Z, Qiu W et al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003; 32: 35–38

Flap reconstruction (FR) is often undertaken to improve quality of life after removal of advanced head and neck tumours. This study followed 82 patients who received 88 FRs: 14 were after RT, 74 were before. Most tumours (70%) were on the tongue, and 78% of all tumours were squamous cell carcinomata.

Twelve of the 14 flaps receiving preoperative (Pr) RT were successful; one had partial necrosis and one failed; partial necrosis occurred in only one of the 74 flaps where RT was postoperative (Po) (P = 0.03). Healing was good in 9 of the PrRT flaps, and in 70 of those with PoRT, and delayed in all others (P = 0.003). Survival rates in the 2 groups were not significantly different.