
Carlstedt K, Henningsson G et al. Acta Odontol Scand 2003; 61: 39–46

The aim of plate therapy (PT) is to alter rest position and movement of the tongue, and increase upper lip mobility and facial muscle tonus. Nine Down syndrome children who wore an acrylic plate covering the palate and incorporating stimulatory devices were compared with 11 matched Down syndrome controls (C) who did not, after a period of 4 years (at a mean age of 5.6 yrs). PT started in the 1st year of life for 4, the 2nd for 3 and the 3rd for 2, and parents were asked to ensure children used appliances for at least 1 hr twice daily.

The PT group showed significantly less tongue visibility, and better lip-rounding during speech and flute blowing. PT children were considered by their parents to snore less at night and open their mouths less in the day than were C children by their parents. There were no differences between groups in preference for spoken language or manual sign communication.