
Hardt CRE, Gröndahl K et al. Clin Oral Impl Res 2002; 13: 488–494

There is evidence that patients who have lost teeth through advanced periodontitis may have increased risk of implant failure. This study compared 25 otherwise healthy patients with non-cantilever implant-supported prostheses in the maxillary canine to molar regions, who had lost teeth through periodontitis and had been followed up for 5 years (P), with 25 similar patients who had had little or no periodontitis (NP).

In the P group (100 implants), mean age was 53.5 yrs, 63% bone support remained, and 1/4 of teeth had < 50% bone; related figures for the NP group (92) were 57yrs, 92% and 1%. Both groups had a mean of 16–17 teeth present. Mean peri-implant bone loss ≥ 2 mm after 5 years affected 44% of NP implants and 62% of P implants. Respective failure rates were 3.3% and 8.0%.