
Llewellyn CD, Linklater K et al. Oral Oncol 2003; 39: 106–114

During the study period, 404 individuals aged 45 yrs or under were registered with oral squamous cell carcinoma on the Thames Cancer Registry. Of these, 1/3 were deceased by 1999 and 197 were contactable. Of these, 116 responded to a postal questionnaire.

Responders were demographically similar to the whole group of 404 registered individuals, and 40% were from socioeconomic classes I and II. Mean age at diagnosis was 39 yrs. The tongue was the commonest site affected (39%).

Exposure to 1 or more known risk factors affected 75% of subjects: 3/4 were current or previous smokers; 1/3 drank alcohol over the recommended UK levels (female > 14 units/wk; male > 21 units/wk); 15 smoked cannabis and 4 chewed tobacco or betel quid. Two thirds were in families where first degree relatives had cancer. About 1/3 ate recommended amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables in the 10 yrs before diagnosis.