
Visch LL, van Waas MAJ et al J Dent Res 2002; 81: 856–859

Implant-supported prostheses have a special role in patients treated with radiotherapy because the latter causes changes which make ordinary prostheses less tolerable. This was a prospective study over a 14 year period in 130 consecutive patients (60% male; mean age 62 yrs) treated for oral cancer. Patients with periodontal problems were excluded. A 2-stage procedure was used to place 446 implants (296 in anterior mandible, 42 posteriorly; 51 in anterior maxilla, 57 posteriorly).

By the end of the study, 50 patients had died. During healing, 27 implants failed, and a further 37 failed under loading. Anterior mandible 10-year implant survival rate was 85%, posterior 83%; respective maxillary rates were 55% and 62%. Radiation dose ≥50 Gy gave significantly lower survival of 71%; for <50 Gy, survival rate was 84%. The authors suggested a lower survival rate with bone resection (61% v. 83%) was because of implant overloading in relatively reduced support.