
The three-dimensional effects of orthodontic treatment on the facial soft tissues – a preliminary study. M L S F H Ismail and J P Moss Br Dent J 2002; 192: 104–108


Does orthodontic treatment adversely effect the face ie flatten the profile? More specifically, does orthodontic treatment including mid-arch extractions flatten the profile? Judging by the number of column inches in this and other journals, the effect of orthodontic treatment on the face is probably one of the most discussed subjects in the field of orthodontics at present.

The assessment of orthodontic treatment on the skeletal, dental and soft tissues has been, and still is, usually measured using lateral cephalograms. This produces data for the mid-sagittal plane and is effectively a 2-D analysis of a complex 3-D shape. The authors in this study have used the technique of Optical Surface Scanning (OSS) to analyse the changes in the facial soft tissues in 3-D for two groups of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with or without extractions. OSS is one of a number of techniques for imaging the face in 3-D and one of the authors (JPM), apart from being involved with the development of the technique, has considerable experience with its application.

What does this study tell us? Firstly, the average face for the two groups, before treatment was different ie the non-extraction face was larger in the vertical and lateral dimension. Secondly, the difference in the average face post treatment, for both groups, was limited to the lips and labiomental fold, which were only 1 – 3 mm further forward in the non-extraction group. However this, as the authors acknowledge, is not a perfect study; the groups were small and not closely matched; the age range was large ie 10 - 18 years; no control (untreated) group was included and no details of the orthodontic status were given i.e. why and which teeth were extracted. This is one of a small number of studies to look at the face in 3-D. It is clear that more research is needed but at least it is a step in the right direction.