
A survey of the use of matrix bands and their decontamination in general dental practice A H Lowe, F J T Burke, S McHugh and J Bagg Br Dent J 2002; 192: 40–42


Concern about control of cross-infection tends to go through peaks and troughs according to the perceived risks from the latest infective scare. HIV and Hepatitis B have stimulated improvements to practice and presently there is interest in the causative agent of new variant Creuzfeld-Jacob disease. Whether and to what extent this agent is transmissible by operative dental procedures is still unknown but it seems timely to look again at our cross-infection control procedures. This paper addresses an issue that has not received adequate attention in the past, namely the use and decontamination of matrix bands. These usually contact the gingiva during use, often becoming contaminated with blood but there is little guidance about the best way to prevent cross-infection from matrix bands. For that reason the authors have tried to obtain 'base line' information on how GDPs presently deal with the problem.

The data presented was self-reported by approximately one third of GDPs in Scotland using a questionnaire. Almost all practitioners (96%) used the Siqveland matrix band. Only 7% of respondents used a new matrix band for each patient, while the majority did not consider them to be single use disposable items and generally only replaced them when damaged. Interestingly 30% of GDPs changed bands at daily or weekly intervals but it is not clear why this period was chosen. There seems little point in routinely discarding bands after one week, the risks of transmission of infection are no less than after two or three weeks use. It would seem more logical to either dispose of matrix bands after each patient or else adequately clean and sterilise them after each use but continue to use them until they lose their mechanical efficiency.

Most practices decontaminated matrix bands between patients although the details of the regime used varied between practices. It is encouraging to see that 99% of practices used autoclaving to sterilise matrix bands. However, there was less of a consensus about the pre-sterilisation cleaning. Approximately 59% used ultrasonic baths as part of the procedure and 60% used manual scrubbing either instead of ultrasonic cleaning or as a supplement to it. Three percent of practices used pre-soaking without scrubbing as the cleaning method, but this is not adequate for removal of organic material and without such cleaning the steam may not penetrate sufficiently to kill infectious agents. This paper, therefore, is useful in giving an overview of current practice and to reflect on our own practice. What it does not do is make suggestions for what is best practice, although recommendations are put forward in another allied paper by the same group.