
The final arrangements are being made for this year's BDA conference, which takes place at The Riviera Centre, Torquay, from April 29 to May 1.

The conference and exhibition will officially commence with the opening reception on Thursday evening, which will take place in the exhibition halls. Sponsored by Dentsply, it will feature music from a steel band and will include wine and nibbles.

There will be over 80 stands on two floors of the Riviera Centre — The Arena Ground Floor and The Arena Balcony. Exhibition space has sold at a record rate this year, with the waiting list growing all the time.

The companies who will be exhibiting, however, will be offering a range of discounts and special offers. There will also be a competition with prizes including a luxury weekend for two in a Warwickshire country hotel, a Kodak camera, a Palm III electronic organiser, Marks & Spencer vouchers and other dental prizes. Delegates must get their prize draw cards stamped by 20 or more companies to enter.

The exhibition will be an excellent opportunity for delegates to update themselves on the latest products and services available. The companies and other organisations on show are listed in the table below.

There is still time to book for the Conference. Contact the BDA Conference Office (tel: 0171 935 0875).