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High incidence of Hox11L2 expression in children with T-ALL


The orphan homeobox gene HOX11L2 was previously found to be transcriptionally activated as a result of the t(5;14)(q35;q32) translocation in three T-ALL cases. We now tested by RT-PCR Hox11L2 expression in 23 consecutive cases of T-ALL (15 children aged 0.8–14 years, eight adults aged 17–55 years) and as control 13 B-ALL patients from a single institution. Hox11L2 expression was undetectable in all patients with B-ALL, nor in adults with T-ALL. Nine children (60% of the cases), all boys, expressed Hox11L2. Blast cells from most of the latter patients carried surface CD1a, CD10 and not CD34 antigens, in contrast to the other children. FISH, M-FISH and IPM-FISH analysis failed to detect a t(5;14)(q35;q32) in one of them, which suggests a possible distinct genetic mechanism in Hox11L2 expression induction. Hence, Hox11L2 expression seems to be the most frequent abnormality in childhood T-ALL to date, comparable to the t(12;21) in child B-ALL.

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We thank J-L Preud'homme for critical reading of the manuscript, M-P Gaub for providing material for B-ALL patients, J-P Bergerat for adult patients material, D Cherif and J Aurich-Costa for providing IPM-FISH chromosomal probes.

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Mauvieux, L., Leymarie, V., Helias, C. et al. High incidence of Hox11L2 expression in children with T-ALL. Leukemia 16, 2417–2422 (2002).

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