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Quantification of cellular adhesion molecules on malignant B cells from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma


The expression of five cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs), CD54, CD58, CD11a, CD29 and CD49d, was studied in 113 B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) and in normal B cells from 12 control lymph nodes. Rather than reporting the percentage of positive cells, which does not discriminate between NHL subtypes, we quantified the intensity of CAM expression using flow cytometry. Apart from CD49d the expression of all these CAMs was statistically different among the NHL subtypes as defined by the REAL classification. Low grade NHL–small lymphocytic, follicular and mantle cell lymphoma–which are derived from quiescent cells and show an indolent disease course, expressed low levels of CAMs. Conversely, high grade NHL–diffuse large cell lymphoma–which are derived from proliferating cells and are clinically aggressive, expressed high levels of CAMs. These results indicate that in malignant NHL B cell tumour growth and clinical aggressiveness may be related to the adhesive capacities of the tumour cells.

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Jacob, MC., Agrawal, S., Chaperot, L. et al. Quantification of cellular adhesion molecules on malignant B cells from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Leukemia 13, 1428–1433 (1999).

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