Microbiome articles within Nature Reviews Nephrology


  • Review Article |

    The microbiome is increasingly recognized as an element that contributes to health and disease. Here, the authors take an ecological approach to describe the impact of factors related to chronic kidney disease on the fitness of different physiological systems and the effects of these changes on microbiota composition.

    • Björn Meijers
    • , Pieter Evenepoel
    •  & Hans-Joachim Anders
  • Review Article |

    This Review describes the reciprocal interactions between the immune system and the intestinal microbiota, focusing on components of the immune system that drive chronic diseases that involve the kidney. The authors also discuss limitations of current approaches to microbiota research and emphasize the need to move beyond studies of correlation to causation.

    • Felix Knauf
    • , J. Richard Brewer
    •  & Richard A. Flavell
  • Review Article |

    Resident microorganisms in the human body vastly outnumber host cells and have an important role in human physiology. In this Review, Bromberg and colleagues discuss the basic principles that guide analyses of the microbiota, including the challenges of measuring and quantifying microbiota. They also discuss the influence of the microbiota on the immune system and the implications of these effects on organ failure and transplantation.

    • Jonathan S. Bromberg
    • , W. Florian Fricke
    •  & Emmanuel F. Mongodin