Colon articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    The colonic mucus layer is an organized system providing a physical barrier against pathogens and simultaneously harbouring the commensal flora. Here the authors report that transglutaminase 3 activity contributes to homeostasis of the colonic mucus layer and the lack of this enzymatic activity leads to increased susceptibility against DSS-induced colitis in mice.

    • Jack D. A. Sharpen
    • , Brendan Dolan
    •  & Christian V. Recktenwald
  • Article
    | Open Access

    The roles played by thrombin in the human intestinal mucosa are unclear. Here, the authors show that the commensal microbiota modulates epithelial production of active thrombin, which controls biofilm growth and contributes to protection of the mucosa from bacterial invasion.

    • Jean-Paul Motta
    • , Alexandre Denadai-Souza
    •  & Nathalie Vergnolle