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    A web focus from Spinal Cord Never before has the epidemiology and demographics of spinal cord injury been studied to such extent. The data gathererd by these studies are very important. They can be used to compare regions and search for causes of differences. They can be part of planning regional care. They can be a help for health care authorities to get a more accurate picture and better awareness of the needs. Prevention will be based in part on these epidemiological and demographic data. You will find studies from many different specific parts of the world. You will find several papers published in Spinal Cord that explain best methods for such studies, overall mapping and trends with future implications.

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    Management of neurogenic bladder problems is part of the comprehensive management after SCL. Although the urologic causes of death have diminished, incontinence, urinary tract infection , urinary calculi, catheterization related complications are still amongst the main problems . A continued evaluation of catheter drainage and of proper investigation techniques is mandatory to imporve the outcome.

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    Pain is one of the complications after spinal cord injury with a severe negative impact on participation – quality of life- integration – activity. The search for better understanding of the underlying mechanisms and treatment options is clinically very valuable.

  • Supplement |

    A collection of online only Case Reports Supplements published in 2014 and 2015. These are International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) endorsed and sponsored publications.

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    With today’s specialised medical care, life expectancy of persons with a SCI has considerably improved. However, not much is known about the effect of aging with a SCI on body functions, activities or societal participation.

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    This focus looks at the consumer rights of individuals affected by SCI. We hope you enjoy our focus inspired by the themes of the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society in September 2014.

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    This focus looks at the physical capacity and fitness following SCI. We hope you enjoy our focus inspired by the themes of the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society in September 2014.

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    A Web Focus from Spinal Cord. Suffering a spinal cord lesion has a severe impact on an individual. Psychological status and quality of life are of upmost importance to get care and support to the highest level

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    This focus looks at the prevention and management of spinal cord injuries around the world. Follow the debates in emerging economies, public education regarding prevention, training of health professionals and the development of physical resources and management systems. We hope you enjoy our focus inspired by the themes of the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society in October 2013.