Reviews & Analysis

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  • This PrimeView highlights some of the key steps of tissue clearing protocols and details some of the main considerations when clearing a sample for fluorescent imaging.

  • This PrimeView highlights the best practices for using Raman microspectroscopy to study microorganisms, with a focus on enhancing reproducibility and data sharing.

  • This PrimeView highlights the use of powder diffraction to characterise crystalline structures.

  • This PrimeView on 3D extrusion bioprinting accompanies the Primer by Zhang et al. and highlights the main stages of the 3D extrusion bioprinting process.

  • This PrimeView describes the best practices for using light sheet fluorescence microscopy to image a range of sample types, with a special focus on light sheet properties and image detection.

  • This PrimeView on adaptive optics highlights the general experimental setup of this technique that corrects image imperfections in astronomy, vision science and microscopy.

  • This PrimeView on small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering accompanies the Primer by Jeffries et al. and highlights the general experimental setup of this technique probeing the structural organisation of matter.

  • This PrimeView highlights the best practices for radiocarbon dating of various sample types. Improvements in sensitivity and accuracy allow for dating of rare and precious samples.

  • This PrimeView covers practical and ethical considerations for conducting a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and shows the key features of a Manhattan plot, a widely used scheme to study GWAS results.

  • This PrimeView on atom probe tomography accompanies the Primer by Gault et al. and highlights the three-dimensional nature of this nanometre-scale compositional mapping technique.

  • This PrimeView highlights the steps involved in designing experiments for cell free gene expression. This technique has many benefits that make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • This PrimeView describes the factors that need to be considered when developing a biocatalyst and how they impact the utility of these enzymes in real-world applications.
