Research articles

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  • Makedonka Mitreva and colleagues report the genome sequence and transcriptome analysis of the hookworm Necator americanus, a prevalent soil-transmitted human parasite and the cause of necatoriasis. They develop a hookworm protein microarray to examine the host parasite interaction and immune response, tested on blood samples from 200 individuals in an endemic region.

    • Yat T Tang
    • Xin Gao
    • Makedonka Mitreva
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Jorge Ferrer and colleagues have mapped regulatory SNP variants associated in GWAS with type 2 diabetes risk and glycemic traits to large clusters of enhancer elements regulating the transcriptional identity of pancreatic β cells via a highly connected transcription factor network.

    • Lorenzo Pasquali
    • Kyle J Gaulton
    • Jorge Ferrer
  • Gong-Hong Wei, Jussi Taipale and colleagues show that a prostate cancer risk allele at 6q22 enhances HOXB13 chromatin binding at this locus, leading to increased allele-specific expression of RFX6. They further show that RFX6 suppression reduces the proliferation, migration and invasion of prostate cancer cells and that RFX6 expression in clinical samples correlates with tumor progression and metastasis.

    • Qilai Huang
    • Thomas Whitington
    • Gong-Hong Wei