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    Our most downloaded physics articles published in 2020

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    The 50 most downloaded Nature Communications articles on SARS-CoV-2 published in 2020 illustrate the collaborative efforts of the international community to combat the ongoing pandemic.

    Image: fotograzia, via Getty
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    Our editors have curated a collection of Nature Communications research articles published last year covering all aspects of cancer prevention, including ‘omics studies and disease mechanisms as well as diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

    Image: Douglas Sacha/Getty
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    A periscope into the broad-ranging applications of machine learning and how it is enabling new research and tools, reducing inequality and increasing quality of life – with a focus on the general pursuit of laying the foundations of Artificial Intelligence.

    Image: Getty Images/monsitj
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    The highlights include but are not limited to the research areas of electronics, optoelectronics, computing technologies and theories, soft matter physics, complex network, robotics, machine learning technologies and data science. Emerging topics in the broader physics and mathematics community are constantly added too.

    Image: PhotoDisc/ Getty Images
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    Here, we highlight the latest research within astronomy and planetary science, including solar system formation and evolution, compact objects, transient events, small bodies, planetary interiors and geology, exoplanets, solar physics, stars, interstellar astrophysics, galaxies, gravitational waves, magnetospheres, space missions, technologies and instrumentation.

    Image: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF/SCIEPRO
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    Papers highlighted here represent a snapshot of some of the recent exciting work published in the area of bioengineering, genome engineering, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, system and computational biology, cellular biotechnology and imaging, and therapeutic biotechnology.

    Image: PHOTODISC
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    On this page we provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting works recently published in Nature Communications in cancer research. We cover all aspects of cancer research from basic investigation on cellular and molecular mechanisms to genetics and genomics, therapy, imaging, epidemiology, models, translational research and clinical trials.

    Image: PhotoDisc/ Getty Images/©Purestock
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    This page provides a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the broad areas of catalysis, including catalyst synthesis, catalytic characterization, mechanism, computational and theoretical catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, environmental catalysis, asymmetric catalysis, organocatalysis, and enzymatic catalysis.

    Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto/TomasSereda
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    On this page, we highlight articles that improve our understanding of the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the environmental conditions, ecology, economic and social systems and human health.

    Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Marccophoto