Opinion in 1981

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  • The British government has relaxed pressure on its universities, which may fail to take advantage.

  • The scientific community cannot complain that some of its members live in states whose laws are illiberal, but should it acquiesce in the arbitrary loss of jobs?

  • The British Engineering Council now exists. Its first task is to define for itself a role.

  • British universities and football clubs are in trouble. Can they make common cause?

  • The new Presidential Science Advisor last week gave the House of Representatives a vision of how smaller budgets may bring strength. He was partly disingenuous; may he also be right?

  • The House of Lords committee on science and technology has produced a guileful recipe for change. Will the British government listen to what it has to say?

  • The United Nations commission on poisonous yellow rain in South-East Asia issued an inconclusive report. It would have been wiser not to comment.

  • Creation-science goes on trial next week in Arkansas. The issue is whether recent legislation establishes religion. It would be better that it should have been the freedom of teachers to say what they believe.

  • Laxenburg has a new director but an uncertain future. It also needs a policy.

  • Can Sir Keith Joseph, the least successful minister in the British Government, be trusted with the universities?

  • British research councils are saying that universities must also invest in research. But can they? And fairly?

  • Does the United States know what it is saying on nuclear strategy? Does it appreciate the consequences in Europe? Will it properly represent European interests at the arms control talks beginning 30 November?

  • The shuttle looks like a success. Might it be a better one if NASA had time to think?

  • Researchers threatened by the budgetary process in the United States are preaching the virtues of basic research. But even Dr Frank Press's argument will not wash. What should be done?

  • Baseball has become a game of chance. How should it be reformed?

  • UN's atomic energy agency has been through a bad patch. Its new director should resurrect its original purpose.

  • The US Congress would legislate against cancer. It must be patient.
