Seven Days in 2013

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  • The week in science: AstraZeneca cuts research posts as part of restructuring plans; Japan recovers methane from seabed hydrates; and Internet innovators win million-pound prize.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Life found in Antarctica’s largest subglacial lake; Higgs still a standard boson; and trade protections agreed for endangered sharks.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: ‘Sequester’ cuts hit US science; health report from Fukushima; and infant cured of HIV.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Canada launches satellite to search for asteroids; big new biology prizes awarded; and Irish science gets cash injection.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Massive meteor hits Russia; world’s first clinical study to put iPS cells in humans gets green light; and head of Fukushima health survey steps down.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: North Korea tests nuclear weapon; European leaders agree on seven-year budget; and the NSF’s director quits early.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Richard III skeleton discovery confirmed; South Korea launches first satellite from home soil; and a keenly watched TB booster vaccine fails a major clinical trial.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Big science award announced; US team drills through to subglacial lake; German science minister investigated for plagiarism.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Barack Obama vows to tackle climate change; scientists resume research on flu viruses; and an international treaty to cap mercury emissions gets the green light.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: European Food Safety Authority releases data on GM maize risk assessments; Japanese scientists benefit from stimulus bill; and Beijing suffers under record-breaking smog.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: NIH stem-cell legal battle over; India vows to double research spending; and Poland bans GM crop cultivation.

    Seven Days
  • The week in science: Shootings set back polio vaccination in Pakistan; FDA approves first medicine for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis; and Italian Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini dies.

    Seven Days