Careers and Recruitment in 1996

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  • Employment prospects are on the rise in genomics, genetic counselling and biotechnology. For the lucky few the rewards are great, but competition to break into the field can be tough. Nature reports trends from Europe and the United States on the eve of the American Society for Human Genetics meeting on 29 October.

    • Brendan Horton
    Careers and Recruitment
  • Throughout Europe, jobs for those with genetics skills are hard to find. But opportunities exist for good team-players in this expanding industry.

    • Mike Ward
    Careers and Recruitment
  • Although the prospects for European postdocs are as uncertain as anywhere, young people are flocking to science as a career.

    • Alison Abbott
    • Gabor Stiegler
    Careers and Recruitment
  • Opportunities abound for those who wish to make scientific research their career, if a nomadic lifestyle and short-term positions are acceptable. Advice abounds, particularly on the Internet. Nature's global review begins with the biggest postdoc jungle of them all.

    • Brendan Norton
    Careers and Recruitment
  • This feature looks at opportunities for neuroscientists in the United States and Europe. In the first review, Brendan Horton looks at some of the employment options for PhDs, many of whom are overspecialized for markets outside pure research. The rewards are high for those prepared to be flexible in their approach. The second article focuses on France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Quirin Schermeier examines prospects both in the traditional research areas and outside them, for those seeking relevant careers in an oversubscribed job market.

    Careers and Recruitment