Research Highlights in 2020

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  • During the COVID-19 lockdown, the flourishing of online seminars is opening up the new frontiers of physics to an unprecedented number of scientists.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • Clouds of bubbles in low-gravity environments behave differently from those on Earth, owing to their reduced buoyancy. A paper in Soft Matter reports a study of the behaviour of bubble clouds in a vessel in freefall.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature Astronomy paper finds that distributing peer review amongst grant applicants, aided by a machine-learning algorithm, can lead to more democratic decisions and provide more detailed feedback.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Communications Physics catalogues the swarming behaviour of Bacillus subtilis as a function of the colony density and the cell aspect ratio, contributing to the picture of how physical properties of cells affect their motion in groups.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • An Advanced Materials paper presents a new type of device that generates polarized single photons without the need for high magnetic fields or cryogenic temperatures.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • Experiments published in Physical Review Letters on the separation dependence of gravitational attraction find results consistent with Newton’s law of gravitation for separations between 52 μm and 3 mm.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow around the world, physicists — many of whom rely on international travel and collaborations — are adapting.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature paper reports the growth of wafer-scale single-crystalline hexagonal boron nitride on Cu(111).

    • Claire Ashworth
    Research Highlight
  • A study in Advanced Materials combines ARPES and STM measurements of the same SmB6 crystal to provide a consistent picture of its surface states.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • Although the ultimate fate of the the International Linear Collider, a future 250 GeV linear accelerator based on superconducting radiofrequency technology, is yet to be decided, research and development efforts are proceeding undeterred.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Over the next 5 years the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will be mapping 35 million galaxies and 2.4 million quasars trying to uncover the mystery of dark energy.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature Communications paper reports a new model describing friction in layered materials and explaining previous results that were in apparent contradiction with one another.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • A PNAS paper presents a neural network of physics publications that can identify trends and provide suggestions for future research directions in quantum physics

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature Physics paper reports a hardware-independent variational quantum algorithm that can be used to verify sampling and characterize unknown physical processes.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight