Table 1 - Adult derivatives of embryologic components of the pharyngeal arches

From the following article

Anatomy and development of oral cavity and pharynx

Rebecca Z. German and Jeffrey B. Palmer

GI Motility online (2006)


Arch numberAdult skeletal elementsMusclesBlood vesselsCranial nerves

Note: Arch 5 disappears in humans.

1Incus (maxillary portion) malleus (mandibular portion)Muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, ant.; digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatiniTerminal branch of maxillaryV1 (maxillary portion)
V2 (mandibular portion)
2Stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horn and upper rim of hyoidMuscles of facial expressionStapedial/corticotympanicVII (facial)
3Greater horn and lower rim of hyoidStylopharyngeusCommon carotid, root of internal carotidIX (glossopharyngeal)
4Laryngeal cartilagesConstrictors of the pharynx, cricothyroid, levator veli palatiniArch of aorta, right subclavianSuperior laryngeal (branch of X)
6Laryngeal cartilagesIntrinsic muscles of larynxDuctus arteriosis (embryonic), pulmonaryRecurrent laryngeal (branch of X)